she opened it, and found in it a very small cake, on which the words
were beautifully marked in currants.
`Well, I'll eat it,' said Alice, `and if it makes me grow larger, I can reach the key; and if it makes me grow smaller, I can creep under the door; so either way I'll get into the garden, and I don't care which happens!'
She ate a little bit, and said anxiously to herself, `Which way? Which way?', holding her hand on the top of her head to feel which way it was growing, and she was quite surprised to find that she remained the same size: to be sure, this generally happens when one eats cake, but Alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen, that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in the common way.
So she set to work, and very soon finished off the cake.”
-Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
Chapter 1 : Down The Rabbit Hole
Chapter 1 : Down The Rabbit Hole
From Tasty Kitchen
Ingredients :
4 pieces (squares) Semi-sweet Baking Chocolate
½ cups Butter
1 cup Powdered Sugar
2 whole Eggs
2 whole Egg Yolks
6 Tablespoons Flour
2 cups Real Whipping Cream
2 Tablespoons Sugar
Method :
Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
Spray 4 custard cups with Pam and place on cookie sheet.
Melt butter and chocolate
Stir in sugar until well blended.
Whisk in eggs and egg yolks.
Stir in flour.
Divide between cups.
Bake 13-14 minutes until sides are firm and center is soft. Let stand 1 minute.
Combine sugar and heavy cream and whip until stiff.
Invert cakes on dishes and top with whipped cream.
What will happen to Alice after she eats?
When a Molten Chocolate Cake is eaten, incredible things may happen to the person who bit into it. Not always. But sometimes, yes, the consequences are dramatic. After the last bite, Alice will feel a weird sensation on the top of her head.
Right there will start growing a lemon tree. Relatively small, yes. But even small, a lemon tree can be quite disturbing when worn on top of your head. Then, her fingers will transform into paintbrushes. Not very handy, but she should’ve thought about the consequences before eating the cake.
Her feet will become maple leaves and her legs will become wooden. Then she will start singing ‘Somewhere Over The Rainbow’ (off-key). When the song ends, Alice will have completed her transformation into a Painting Tree.

*guest post by The Book On The Hill
* part of Alice in Whatsitland (see schedule)
* wanna be a part of Alice's adventure in Whatsitland? join the challenge!
the story continues...
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