The 3 o'clock hour chimes in Lady's Tea at Triton's Tavern. Aye, the lady pirates like to keep some traditions.
Pirate Tiger aka krysykat sits there with our Pirate Vix and tells her of her recent findings in the market place whilst sipping some chai...

btw: if you take a look at the rum + plunder scoreboard on the sidebar, you will notice that Pirate Tiger has joined in the hunt - still open for contestants
Pirate Tiger has also come to watch today's show...
The Pirate Song
sung by George Harrison
on Eric Idle's Rutland Weekend Television show

by Albert Bierstadt
Pirate lairs be the topic at table with the proprietors of the Bookish Ardour. They speak of Tortuga, Port Royal and New Providence. You may fare well with a bit of pirate history about those locales.
For those with an adventurous palate, you are in luck!
The Flying Elephant is in port with spices and Indian trinkets.
Pirate Katina shows her wares - the 20 Essential Indian Novels...

by Anita Desai

by Shashi Deshpande

by Githa Hariharan
* Partial list of Indian novels from article, The 20 Essential Indian Novles by Katina Soloman.