The Rusty Dagger sailed into port last night. Captain Vix and her crew head straight for Triton's Tavern.
Tilly serves up some BumBoo to the table.
Wot d'you 'ave thar? Tilly asks.

Aye, an interesting bauble this is AimeeKay replies.
Tilly takes a closer look.

'Tis a likeness of the infamous Cap'n Jack Sparrow given to me from the gypsy witch Donka from our last trip to Varna.
Sweet Tilly, wot be the news this fine day? Capn Vix asks after downing her first mug.
Blimey Tilly exclaims. Thar be lots o' Tilly grins.
The streets be teaming wit pirates to the right and pirates to the left! Tilly pours Capn Vix another mug full.

If'n you head to Liana's Paper Doll you will find the first of presentations for nine historical pirates and one character from Random Magic in paper doll form.
Go see pirate Jeanne de Clisson.
Liana also has a line of mermaid wear!
And, thar be music...

treat your ears to a saucy pirate tune
A N D, a treasure hunt for gold coins be afoot...

Join the hunt and find coins at various pirate posts to win a right fine pirate booty!
note: keep tabs on the participant standings on the sidebar
Not all pirates have the luxury of enjoying a pint...

Howard Pyle's Book of Pirates
free kindle edition
* image source Capn Jack pez from AimeeKay
* image source Marooned Pirate illustration by Howard Pyle