Robots and Donuts
artwork by Eric Joyner
artwork by Eric Joyner
The picture above screams robots and donuts and steampunk. Someone must write a short story about it.
I went to the Fall Open Studio at Hunter's Point Shipyard in San Francisco a couple weeks ago. Twice a year artists open their studios to the public to present their works for show. The one artist who stood out to me was Eric Joyner and his theme of Robots and Donuts. I love the concept of the hard and soft. When asked by a fellow guest, "so what's up with the robots and donuts?" Eric said he creates what he likes - what interests him. So should we all I say - for that is what makes the pieces unique and special.
I wanted to share some of my quirky-ness with you all and post some of Eric's works here which I grabbed from his site.
Pandora's Box?
Look at more pics through Eric's flip book
I wanted to share some of my quirky-ness with you all and post some of Eric's works here which I grabbed from his site.

Look at more pics through Eric's flip book

*comment below with a link to your short story of robots, donuts and steampunk and I'll send one lucky winner of this challenge a copy of Eric's Robots & Donuts. -offer ends December 31, 2009
*a little more detail...
-write a mini-flash ficition (50 or more words)
-incoporate the words ROBOT and DONUT at least once in the story
-steampunk setting
Contest has ended - no entries