Vampirates Giveaway - Winner
and the winner is...
( drrrrrrrrrrummmmrolllllllllllllll )
of Paradoxical

thanks be to ye contestants!
me hat was found just in time as cap'n would be makin me walk de plank fer sure fer me absent-mindedness. course twas in his quarters all along. he being me sweetie. ;-D
(Please note: The winner was selected with the help of random.org. I shall be emailing the lucky winner for snail mail info. If you don't receive it, please feel free to send your info to vvb32 at yahoo.com)

At Vintage Joy, Paradox found me hat to be #4
and she be takin a fancy to #6 and #7.
The Prize:

Vampirates: Demons of the Ocean
by Justin Somper - my review