Director: Juan Carlos Fresnadillo
Writer(s): Rowan Joffe
Juan Carlos Fresnadillo
Enrique Lopez Lavigne
Jesus Olmo
Genre: Horror, Zombies
Rating: 4
Inspiration: September Zombies Week
(Aug 29 to Sep 6, 2009)
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Description from imdb:
28 Weeks Later picks up six months after the Rage Virus has decimated the city of London. The US Army has resorted order and is repopulating the quarantined city, when a carrier of the Rage Virus enters London and unknowingly re-ignites the spread of the deadly infection and the nightmare begins... again.

Serious quote:
Scarlet: It all makes sense. They're executing code red.
Step 1: Kill the infected.
Step 2: Containment. If containment fails, then
Step 3: Extermination.
Zombie speed: still scary fast
Zombification: via blood and saliva
Zombie mode: feral with super rage

In-a-word: crowbar
The rage continues despite all precautions. Beware: civilian lock-downs are not necessarily safe. They seems to be fastest way to create enraged zombies.
The idea of a "carrier" of the virus who is immuned was an interesting concept in this film to watch. Too bad it could not be explored more.
The only thing that didn't jive with me was the "father" zombie who seemed to coincidentally be in the same places as his children. Couldn't figure it out. Can these zombies think enough to stalk specific people to infect?
Lots of zombie mayhem. Zombie fans will love it.