~~ completed ~~
by the pricking of my thumb
something wicked this way comes
- Macbeth by Shakespeare
I'm gonna join Misty's Helluva Halloween Challenge at the Book Rat (along with my bazillion other challenges) this month which runs to the end of October. ;-D
This challenge is pretty fun one where you read or watch and post on things scary or supernatural. Check out details here.
Misty has got some interesting posts at her site:
Spotlight On: Zombies
Spotlight On: Ghosts
Spotlight On: Ghouls
Ring by Koji Suzuki - my review pt 2
Black Hair part of Kaidan - my movie review
Woman in the Snow part of Kaidan - my movie review
Zombie books:
Cluck: Murder Most Fowl by Eric D. Knapp - my review
This Year's Class Picture by Dan Simmons (short story) - my review
Zombie movies:
American Zombie (2007) - my review
Zombieland (2009) - my review
Zombie misc:
Vampire books:
Vampire Haiku by Ryan Mecum - my review
Vampire Diaries: The Awakening by L. J. Smith - my review
The Lace Reader by Brunonia Barry - my review
Wicked: The Musical - my review
Other things Halloween-ish:
Haunted Houses - Disneyland Haunted Mansion