Thoughts on the Modern Short Story
by Michael Chabon
I chose to read the first essay in this non-fiction book.
I was pleasantly surprised. The essay tackles the question of what entertainment means to Chabon and to us. Then too, goes into what Chabon thinks has become of short fiction aka short stories.
Primarily a fiction novel reader, I have a new appreciation for short stories after reading this essay and my various short stories read for this current read-a-thon.
I'm toying with the idea of a short story meme feature. Most likely a monthly event.
Steampunk sighting:
The handsome Vintage Internationals edition of Nabokov's Ada, or, Ardor--an extended riff on alternate-world and time theories and a key early example in the retro-futuristic subgenre of science fiction that years later came to be know as steampunk--would look out of place in the science-fiction section, with the blue-foil lettering, the starships, the furry-faced aliens, the electron-starred vistas of cyberspace. Ada, therefore is not science fiction.
Essay from Maps and Legends:
Reading and Writing Along the Borderlands
by Michael Chabon