None other than the Zombie Meister of Never Slow Dance With A Zombie, E. Van Lowe!
The hubby and I shared a meal with E at B Restaurant in Oakland to celebrate the success of September Zombies week. It was a mini zombie love fest with many toasts! Huzzah!
Yup, lots of talk on my favorite topics of books, tv, movies and yeah - zombies ;-D Had a fabulous time! Thanks E!
What's the latest scoop on E? He's working on something special which we may see later this year - a novella with illustrations by his buddy, Tatiana. More details to follow...
A second novel is also in the makings. All I can say is that it's another YA paranormal. Hee-haw!
Find out why E is in Oakland here.
If you've been treated to the wonder that is Never Slow Dance With A Zombie, then enter your review link here to win my Last Zombie Bag o'goodies (offer ends October 31, 2009).
What? You haven't read Never Slow Dance With A Zombie? Well, you can try to win a copy here or here or commenting on this post. Good Luck!
Mary Ann of Mary Ann DeBorde Writes
has won my easter egg giveaway
and will be getting a copy of E's book
*** updated 10.11.09 ***