Anthony Burgess in A Clockwork Orange uses words like droog (friend), horrorshow (good) and many more to create his dystopian world. Makes for tough reading but good stuff.
Scott Westerfeld has bubble talk in his Uglies series.
Can you suggest any authors you've come across who have unusual word creations in their books?
And if you're one of the few who has not yet read Alice in Wonderland and want to give it a go, please let me know in comments below so I can fix that problem. If I get more than one of you, I'll have to do a random drawing.
*title creation based on Snoop Dogg's shizzle speak, hey, Snoop's latest album comes out December 8, 2009 and it's called Malice in Wonderland. Rap listeners out there will have to tell me if there are any other Alice connection in regards to the songs other than the album title.
*source Alice image. I picked this picture because of the bling.
*my post for part of Neverending Shelf's Alice in Wonderland Week, October 7 - 14, 2009
Other authors with unusual words creations to check out:
M.T. Anderson (Feed) per Marie
Diablo Cody per Marie, Brian
Aldous Huxley (Brave New World) per Brian
James Joyce (Finnegan's Wake) per J.T.
Tamora Pierce (Beka Cooper series) per Zombie Girrrl
J.R.R. Tolkien per Polish Outlander, HMSgofita
Irvine Welsh per Brian
Zombie Girrrl of Crackin' Spines and Takin' Names
has won my easter egg giveaway
and will receive a copy of Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
has won my easter egg giveaway
and will receive a copy of Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
*** update 10.16.09 ***