Pemberley Ball
November 20-22, 2009
3-day party
event postings will be up each day
from 6pm - 8pm PST
(if possible, pop in for 5 minutes)
Thank you for your interest in participating in the Pemberley Ball. It will be a kind of role-playing interactive blog game. What is this you ask? Well, you'll have to join in to find out the details. But basically, I (or actually my Regency persona, Lady Vee) will be posting festivities for you to participate in every 15 minutes from 6pm to 8pm PST each day. As guests, you can react and comment to the posts. So be as creative as you like. Also, giveaway prize posts will appear throughout the party.
Please take the time to RSVP. Those who do will be eligible to win a copy of the Pride and Prejudice graphic novel.
Non-RSVP'd guests are welcome to join just comment below or crash the party.

*** Giveaway ***
Open to all.
Offer ends November 29, 2009.
To RSVP, please do the following:
1. Select a Regency persona character
The persona name should be the one that you will be signing with per comment.
Here is a sample comment for a festivity post:
I hope there is more of those lime tarts. Miss Charlotte has really outdone herself with these tasty treats.
Lady Vee proceeds around the buffet table to view the other pastries on display.
-Lady Vee
2. Create a Pemberley Ball RSVP blog post with a link to the Invitation page so that others may join us. (see Lady Vee's RSVP sample) Include your link in your comment post here.
3. Don't forget to include your email address with comment.
Extra points for giveaway:
If you're so inclined add these to your Pemberley Ball RSVP post:
+5 description of your persona
+3 picture of the virtual gown you'll be wearing
+2 picture of you're favorite Darcy
+1 per tweet, facebook, & etc.
Sample RSVP for my Lady Vee persona can be seen here.
Contest has ended - winner is here
Contest has ended - winner is here
*Male personas are welcome. Although as the party is primarily a Darcy love-fest be warned. Ladies may not bat an eye towards you. ;-D
*inspired by the Everything Austen Challenge hosted by Stephanie's Written Word