first novella from Asleep
by Banana Yoshimoto
Published: 1989
Translated: 2001
Hardback: 192 pages
Genre: Ghosts
by Banana Yoshimoto
Published: 1989
Translated: 2001
Hardback: 192 pages
Genre: Ghosts
Funny I should choose this in the second half of the read-a-thon. Ha! can barely laugh. Feeling tired. (yawn)
OK, snapping out of it. snap-snap. On to the review...
Banana's stories always have this charming surrealistic feel to them. This novella is no different. I love her style. Thus, I was not disappointed.
This tale dealt with love and death. A gentle sadness is felt throughout the story but by the end the characters start to heal.
An amusing bit about the narrator is that she goes on a shopping spree. She is a woman after my own heart. She blows her wad on books and cds!
*part of my Read-a-thon challenge