The Hannya mask with its horns and sharp fangs is probably the best known of all Noh masks. The mask expresses the fury of a woman turned demon through jealousy and anger and who revenges by attacking.

by Koji Suzuki
I read the first part of this Japanese Horror just to get a flavor for the book. The mask pictured here was mentioned so I googled to see what it looks like. The image was effective is giving a boost of adrenaline. Scary demon!
The description of the mask sets up the story up pretty well for me. I watched the American version of the movie and remember an angry female spirit.
I'll finish up with this book by the end of the week for a proper review.

*part of my Read-a-thon challenge
*part of my Hello Japan! challenge
*part of my Helluva Halloween challenge
*total pages read: 56
*my review here