Getting ready for The Women of Science Fiction Book Club which starts next month...

by Elizabeth Bear

by James Tiptree
For Review:

by Phillipa Ashley
courtesy of Sourcebooks
Thanks Danielle!

Ebook By Lori Brighton
Thanks Lori!
signup for giveaway

Orpheus and the Pearl by Kim Paffenroth
and Nevermore by David Dunwoody
courtesy of Belfire Press
Thanks Louise!
giveaway offer later this month
Holiday Gifts:

by Scott Nicholson
Thanks Scott!

from Italy
to be revealed after xmas
Thanks Giada!
* per usual, check out the sidebar for my current giveaways to you
* image from Leafcutter Designs - world's smallest postal service
* In My Mailbox is hosted by The Story Siren and inspired by Pop Culture Junkie. A post where we share books acquired via mailbox, library, store, etc.