wardrobe findings
Time to start packing your trunks to leave for the holidays.
Here are some of the items found in the wardrobes of this event's participants in the old skewl university doings...
Audra's corset:

Blodeuedd's corset:

krysykat's corset:

Midnight Cowgirl's Corset Bustle Jacket:

Onge's corset:

PinkStuff's corset:

Rhianna's vampirish corset:

Shiori's corset:

Sullivan McPig's Darth Vader corset:

AND, look what I found by way of Midnight Cowgirl's Thursday Love post, for the legs:

It's not too late, you can tell me what your corset looks like too...

by Nathalie Gray
* image source wardrobe