kindle versions free from amazon...

by Karen Hulene Bartell
missing mom's cooking

by Rachel Vincent
thought i'd finally read something from Rachel

A Book of Zombie Love Songs
by Michael P. Spradlin
you know i likes me some zombies ;-D
For Review:

by Christine E. Schulze
mmmm, dragons
Thanks Christine!
Holiday Gifts:

by Lauren Burd
Thanks Kelly!

by Scott Nicholson and J.R. Rain
magic and eeeeevil
Thanks Scott!
Party news:
“Instead of heading for the big mental breakdown,
I decided to have a little one every Tuesday evening.” -- Gomez Porter
You are cordially invited to Gomez' online after party. It starts right now and runs till December 10th. You'll receive:
- ‘Activated Carbon’ exclusive short story collection
- Making of Gomez: behind the scenes eBook
A kindle will be raffled off. Extra prizes for those who bring friends.
Simply purchase your copy of "No Hope for Gomez!" from Amazon and forward your receipt to nohopeforgomez@gmail.com. Find out the details HERE
* per usual, check out the sidebar for my current giveaways to you
* image from Leafcutter Designs - world's smallest postal service
* In My Mailbox is hosted by The Story Siren and inspired by Pop Culture Junkie. A post where we share books acquired via mailbox, library, store, etc.