by Kathleen McKenna
~-~-~-~-~ guest ~-~-~-~-~
Us Methwolves was snuggled all warm in our beds, with visions of indictments dancing through our heads.
Bane he were facing them bad justice boys for selling online porno’s that showed some real nasty elves them boys down in Washington said keep that filth off the shelves! Now Steve he were looking at his tenth D.U.I. cause that’s one drunken wolf and that aint no lie! But me old Red I were above the fray cuz this here wolf was for once free from disgrace.
As I laid in my bed I pondered my year and as I pondered I pulled a tick from my ear. I ate it real slow cause a good tick is rare and I considered last year’s actions and then got up for a beer.
We wolves had gained some ground with the new healthcare plan, its good even for poor wolves who live in the sand. But the tax situation it worried us some, for us wolves had made some millions from selling some guns so we aint too pleased that the house wont extend no tax cuts for rich wolves well I think that’s a sin!
Then old Miz Palin on and on she goes and as every wolf knows that is one horror show. She’s dumb as a coyote and mean as a bear and she do like to shoot wolves and you know that aint fair!
So there’s things to consider as each year do end, you win some you lose some well that aint no sin, and you’ll hear me howl out as I go out to hunt for the night Merry Christmas to all and don’t fear that I’ll bite.
Methwolf Christmas Greeting created by Kathleen McKenna
© 2010. All rights reserved.
by Kathleen McKenna
~-~-~-~-~ guest ~-~-~-~-~

* image source The Illustrations of Chet Phillips