advent calendar
I enjoy opening up the little windows or doors of an advent calendar this time of year.
What special treat lies in wait?
To get into the spirit of things, I will post a virtual advent calendar of my own.
Every day (starting today), I will post an image on the top of my sidebar with a link to my favorite fellow bloggers.
Some will have treats for you, some will put smiles on your faces and some will help increase your TBR piles ;-D
Like an advent calendar, each link will be revealed below on the day of...
December 1: none - for some reason i always forget to start on this day - probably because of the food coma from turkey overload

December 2: Juju of Tales of Whimsy

December 3: Kai of Fiction State of Mind

December 4: Meredith of Austenesque Reviews

December 5: Lexie of Poisoned Rationality

December 6: Mad Hatter's Bookshelf & Book Reviews

December 7: M.A.D. of Mary Ann De Borde Writes and Reads!

December 8: Amy of Passages to the Past

December 9: Midnight Cowgirl of The Fashion Planner

December 10: Blodeuedd of Book Girl of Mur-y-Castell

December 11: Freda of Freda's Voice - happy belated birthday!

December 12: Audra of Unabridged Chick

December 13: TJ of Dreams and Speculation

December 14: Stella of Ex Libris

December 15: Misty of Book Rat

December 16: Maria of My Jane Austen Book Club

December 17: Violet of Mr Bennet's Library

December 18: Carrie of In The Hammock

December 19: Trisha of Mary Sew

December 20: Jo of Fluidity of Time

December 21: Chas of Lovin' & Livin' Life in the 808

December 22: Nina of J'adorehappyendings

December 23: Raelena of Throuthehaze Reads
December 24: time for merry making
December 25: time for ho-ho-ho-ing

December 26: The Life and Travels of Sullivan McPig

December 27: Titania of Fishmuffins of Doom

December 28: Zombie Girrrl of Crackin' Spines & Takin' Names

December 29: Cecilia of Epic Rat

December 30: Celia of Adventures of Cecelia Bedelia - happy birthday!
December 31: time for watching the ball drop at NYC Times Square
January 1: H A P P Y * N E W * Y E A R !!!
Honorable Mentions:
Carolyn of Book Chick City
Ana and Thea of The Book Smugglers
Eleni of La Femme Readers
Kristi of The Story Siren
Whitney of Pop Candy - what led me to the book blogger world
* share with me and tell me a couple of your favorite blogs to visit in comments
* image source from the Strangeling