Orpheus and the Pearl by Kim Paffenroth
Nevermoreby David Dunwoody
Published: September 24, 2010
Publisher: Belfire Press
Genre: Ghosts, Horror, Zombies
Rating: 5
Excerpts available.
Descriptions from the publisher:

by Kim Paffenroth
In 1920 Massachusetts, Dr. Catherine MacGuire is mysteriously called to the home of the famous Dr. Wallston, to assist with some medical emergency that defies even his skill. The life-threatening problems she finds there have less to do with broken bodies than with warped souls, and it will take all her dedication as a healer to fix them.
Creepy passage:
Catherine nodded and watched the room, expecting Mrs. Wallston to emerge from behind the screen and enter the tub. Instead, two small hands slithered from out of the cream-colored liquid and grasped the sides of the tub. At first, they were hard to see, as they were so pale that they were indistinguishable from the stark white of the side of the tub. Even the nails were the same shade, like chalk...
Following the hands, a head of wet blonde curls emerged. Under the curls was a pair of large, dark goggles, like a welder would wear...
- page 23
My two-bits:
In-a-word(s): revived
This story had a Frankenstein-feel to it. Love how it unfolds with beautiful descriptive passages like the one I posted above. Of course, the touch of steampunk flavor with the last line got me.
by David Dunwoody
Malcolm Witt died in his sleep at 11:07 PM. Four minutes later, his body rose and walked from the room. Malcolm watched it happen. And so begins 48 hours of a life-after-death struggle to save his friends, forgive his love, and put himself to rest, body and soul.
My two-bits:
In-a-word(s): tether
There's an eerie perspective from a ghost point of view. Some zombie mayhem included.
I was pleasantly surprised with this set of stories and look forward to the next volume ;-D
* review copy courtesy of publisher