ended December 26, 2010
during the Old Skewl Steampunk event
Thanks to all contestants!

The Brimstone Key by Derek Benz and Jon S. Lewis
Winner: Kelly of I Work for Books
Winner: Vicki of Decked out in Ruffles

Mechanical Rose by Nathalie Gray
Winner: Audra of Unabridged Chick

Scourge by David H. Burton
Winner: Antonia
Winner: Nastassia
Winner: Pinkstuff of Reading After Dark
Winner: Teresa of Regency Romance World
Winner: Throuthehaze of Throuthehaze Reads -would like to pass it to another contestant, as she already has it
Runner-up Winner: Julie of Book Hooked Blog

Stephen Hawking audio tapes
Winner: Debbie
* to see the original giveaway offer, click on the prize title links
* I will email winners for mailing addresses.
Winners, feel free to contact me with your info if you don't get my email
or if you are just too darn excited and want to let me know -- like NOW ;-D
* contest policy
* if not this time, maybe next time
--> check out the current giveaways and upcoming events on my sidebar