Winner of Mom's Choice Gold Award for Young Adult Series
Zan-Gah: A Prehistoric Adventure
by Allan Richard Shickman
Published: 2007
Genre: Historical, YA
Paperback: 160 pages
Rating: 3
Description from the amazon:
The hero, Zan-Gah seeks his lost twin in a savage prehistoric world, encountering suffering, captivity, conflict, love, and triumph. In three years, Zan-Gah passes from an uncertain boyhood to a tried and proven manhood and a position of leadership among his people. Themes: survival, cultures, gender roles, psychological trauma, nature's wonders and terrors.
Zan-Gah and the Beautiful Country
by Allan Richard Shickman
Published: 2009
Genre: Historical, YA
Paperback: 160 pages
Rating: 3
Description from the amazon:
The prehistoric saga continues in Zan-Gah and the Beautiful Country, the sequel to the award winning Zan-Gah: A Prehistoric Adventure. In this story, Zan's troubled twin brother, Dael, having suffered greatly during his earlier captivity, receives a ruinous new shock when his wife suddenly dies. Disturbed and traumatized, all of his manic energies explode into acts of hostility and bloodshed. His obsession is the destruction of the wasp men, his first captors, who dwell in the Beautiful Country. When he, Zan-Gah, and a band of adventurers trek to their bountiful home, they find that all of the wasp people have died in war or of disease. The Beautiful Country is empty for the taking, and Zan s people, the Ba-Coro, decide to migrate and resettle there. But the Noi, Dael s cruelest enemies and former tormentors, make the same migration from their desert home, and the possibility develops of contention and war over this rich and lovely new land.
My two-bits:
In-a-word(s): survival
An interesting read in that you learn about a prehistoric world. However, I did not feel any connections with the characters and their predicaments.
Basically, from an educational standpoint a good read but entertainment-wise for me it was meh.
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Offer ends: January 30, 2011
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* review copies courtesy of publisher