Monday, February 1, 2010

Steampunk Weekly - 02.01.10

falling in love with vecona designs


Sleepy Hollow (1999)
Johnny Depp as Ichabod Crane
investigating Headless Horsmen mayhem
with steampunk-like goggles


Steampunk Workshop
January 21-23, 2010
at Romance Divas

Zoe Archer
Meljean Brook
Gail Carriger
Sarah A. Hoyt
Katie MacAlister
Dru Pagliassotti

This workshop took place at
the Romance Diva Forum.
To read the logs go to Diva's Workshop, then Steampunk Workshop

Tidbits to share from my workshop visit:

Various steampunk articles by Dru Pagliassotti

History of Steampunk

Steampunk band: Abney Park

Steampunk book list at Goodreads

Steampunk book list from Gail Carriger

Gail Carriger steampunk tea video pick:


Author to watch out:
for a future steampunk romance novel
Suzan Isik


*** My Giveaway ***

Stay tuned....

I'll be giving away
Steamed by Katie MacAlister
on the release date --> tomorrow.


*my weekly post on things steampunk (Victorian sci-fi/fantasy)
*totally inspired by steampunk posts written by Celia of adventures of cecelia bedelia

Imagination Designs
Images from: Lovelytocu