(a weekly post where I create fashionable wear with book cover art)
Full Steam Ahead
by Nathalie Gray
Release date: March 1, 2010
Description from the edittorrent article:
Steampunk: Making it Matter guest post from Alison MacMahan (Red Sage Publishing)
For starters, let me tell you that the book is about a woman who time travels -- or dimension travels, I guess -- to a parallel earth where two species (one human and one humanoid) are fighting for dominance. The oceans are toxic, the continents have drowned, and people live either on dirigibles or in stilted cities high above the toxic surface. It's a bleak world, but it's not lacking in comic elements. For example, the humanoid species, which in my mind's eye looked something like dreadlocked orcs, has a very low tolerance for insults. So part of the humans' battle strategy involves shouting little-boy snark through a brass bullhorn. It's very funny, and that humor makes a great counterpoint to the bleakness and peculiar stresses of the environment.
First found out about this book from Heather at The Galaxy Express who exclaims about this book - Oh My Goggles!

by Nathalie Gray
article post by The Galaxy Express - Adventures in Science Fiction Romance
With steampunk romance currently making a mark for itself, well done, I say. As a science fiction romance fan, this is a cover I can believe in.
But wait a minute…since the hero of FULL STEAM AHEAD is featured on the cover, who is he, anyway?
In a recent comment at the Red Sage blog, Nathalie Gray offered this peek into her hero:
“…Captain Phineas "Finn" Hamilton is dark-haired, and even if I don't mention just how exultant his follicles are, they are there.
Finn is a privateer, one of the best, running dangerous routes along the borders with the enemy (steampunk equivalent of bikers crossed with Vikings...the ugly ones), so he wouldn't have time to mess with his hair. On his head (which is long), or on his chest.
Plus, he's a wounded hero, physically and mentally. He has an awful scar from his last run-in with the enemy (a battle that cost him much more than a nasty scar, too). So definitely no time for the wax jobs.”
Amusing quote regarding book cover from Nathalie Gray on her blog:
Can you believe I spent 4 hours tweaking the scarf? Yeah, I’m demented like that. But it had to be just *so*.
*on my want list ;-D
*if you would like to learn how to make your own Book Fashion silhouette, let me know in comments with your email
*source for silhouette