...‘Did that really happen?’ she asked.
‘No,’ I said. ‘We must both have caught a touch of the sun.’
‘Then what is that?’ she asked, looking at the piece of wing on my finger.
‘A petal. What else could it be?’ I said. I wrapped it carefully in my handkerchief nonetheless. ‘Let us return to the rest of the party and sit in the shade.’
She took my arm and we returned to the others, seating ourselves next to Harriet.
‘Is it my imagination, or is Jane Fairfax less beautiful than she was five minutes ago?’ I asked.
‘Your imagination,’ said Emma promptly. ‘She is every bit as lovely as she was.’
But I could tell that she did not think so, and she looked distinctly uncomfortable.
‘Dear Jane, do entertain us,’ said Mrs Weston. ‘Sing for us!’
Miss Fairfax obliged, but although her voice was pleasant enough, it lacked its usual purity. The rest of the party looked surprised, and Jane excused herself, saying she had a sore throat.
‘I have always thought Miss Fairfax’s voice overrated,’ came a low voice beside us, and looking round, I saw that Mr Elton had joined us and was now sitting on the other side of Harriet. ‘Your voice, Miss Smith, is the only one worth listening to.’
‘Mr Elton, hush, you are a married man!’ said Harriet, blushing.
to be continued
Mr Knightley and the Fairies
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7 - end
*guest post from Amanda Grange, author of Mr Knightley's Diary
* image source gossamer wing
Photo credit: Jon Eric Narum
* part of Mr Knightley's Picnic