hosted by The Life (and lies) of an inanimate Flying Object
January 1st 2010—December 31 2010
signup & review links
** Newbie level **
2 books by Jane Austen
2 re-writes, prequels, sequels, or spoofs (by other authors)
I can never have too much of Jane...
My reading list:
by Jane Austen
by Jane Austen
Emma and the Werewolves: Jane Austen's Classic Novel with Blood-curdling Lycanthropy
by Jane Austen and Adam Rann - my review
Mr Knightley's Diary
by Amanda Grange - my review
You Don't Love Me Yet
by Jonathan Lethem
Mansfield Park and Mummies: Monster Mayhem, Matrimony, Ancient Curses, True Love, and Other Dire Delights
by Jane Austen and Vera Nazarian
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies:
Dawn of the Dreadfuls
by Jane Austen and Steve Hockensmith - my review
==end result==
1/2 challenge completed