The Baroness and Emmalina waved a final goodbye as Lady Vee and Faustina departed. They strolled down the street in the late afternoon towards their villa.
An Irish lilt and laughter was in the air.
Tina sought out the gaiety.
Across the avenue she found two men. One she recognized as the exotic merman she spied from her window earlier in the week. While his long and unkempt luxurious hair ruffled in the breeze, his comrade sported a shiny clean shaven head. This however did not detract from his handsome magnetic features. And perhaps he also had the gift of gab to cause such laughter. Quite a manly build too. Quite.
So, we are agreed? Juan eyed Johnny with anticipation.
Aye. Aye, to the New World! After the Ball! Johnny answered with laughter.
Juan patted Johnny's back heartily as they turned to lower themselves into the awaiting gondola.

Richard Flanagan
Release date: June 3, 2010
hosted by the Charmed Circle
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Invitation ~ Programme
* image source gondola