Tales of an Urban Werewolf
by Karen MacInerney
Description from the amazon:
Romance is about to get a little hairy.
Sophie Garou seems to have it all: a great job at a prestigious accounting firm, a closet that rivals a Nordstrom showroom, and a terrific boyfriend who isn’t afraid to use the “M” word.
There’s just one little itty-bitty problem: Sophie is a werewolf–and her time of month has a whole new meaning.
Needless to say, life among yummy flesh-and-blood humans is no piece of steak . . . er, cake!, but regular doses of wolfsbane tea and a mother who runs a magic shop have helped Sophie keep her paranormal pedigree under wraps.
Still, when a sexy, golden-eyed werewolf prowls into town, Sophie finds herself struggling to keep her animal impulses in check–not to mention trying to keep things on track with her super hot (and super human) lawyer boyfriend.
What’s more, someone is threatening to expose Sophie for what she really is. And when her mother is accused of selling a poison-laced potion, Sophie must sniff out a culprit before the fur hits the fan.
*** Werewolf Book Giveaway ***
Open to all.
Offer ends: May 16, 2010
Comment below with your email and tell me:
Most werewolf descriptions emphasize yellow or golden eyes. What other color would you like to see on a werewolf?
Contest has ended - winner is here
* book prize
courtesy of Random House
Thanks to Ali!
* part of Werewolf Weekend (see schedule)