by Brian Rowe
Published: 2011
Publisher: CreateSpace
Genre: Coming of Age, Paranormal, YA
Paperback: 322 pages
Rating: 5
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fyi: ebooks are currently available for $2.99
Seventeen-year-old Cameron Martin has a huge problem: he’s aging a whole year of his life with each passing day. High school is hard enough; imagine rapidly aging from seventeen to seventy in a matter of weeks, with no logical explanation, and with prom, graduation, and the state championship basketball game on the horizon.
That’s what happens to Cameron, a mischievous pretty boy who has never had to face a day looking anything but perfect. It starts with a slowing metabolism, followed by gray hair, wrinkles, and heart palpitations. Within days his girlfriend dumps him, his plastic surgeon father forces him to get a facelift, and his terrifying high school librarian seduces him to have sex with her. All he wants to do is go back to normal, but no one, not even the best doctors, can diagnose his condition.
When he finds love with a young woman who may or may not be an all-powerful witch, he realizes that the only hope for his survival might be with the one person who instigated his condition in the first place...
Amusing quote:
But it's like I've Marty McFly'd to the future to meet your thirty-year-old self. It's sad and weird, yet truly spectacular.
- location 1447, chapter 9
Happy Birthday to Me
Happy Birthday to Me Again - Fall 2011
Happy Birthday to You - Spring 2012
My two-bits:
In-a-word(s): chocolate cake
I enjoyed this (accelerated) coming of age story (with a twist).
I loved how the character development is handled for the main character especially in regards to his feelings, reactions and interactions with family and friends.
Warning: a box of tissues may come in handy for both hilarious and sad moments
* review copy courtesy of author
* part of rrRoad trip event