Free from Kindle: beware some free offers are limited

(River of Time Series)
by Lisa T. Bergren
-fantasy, YA

(Robin Hood Trilogy)
by Marsha Canham

by Michael Ford
-ghosts, YA

by Rachel M. Brownstein

Now follow me to the weekly Bookie Brunch meeting for a bit of chit chat at Story Wings.
Bookie Brunch Question of the day:
Do you prefer hardcovers or paperbacks and why?
Related topics to consider: Would you consider buying a book that wasn't in your preferred format (hardcover vs. paperback) - if so, what would be your reason for doing so?
* get a heads up on free or discounted ebooks from Books on the Knob
* per usual, check out the sidebar for my current giveaways to you
* image from Leafcutter Designs - world's smallest postal service and you can get a letter kit at Chronicle Books
* In My Mailbox is hosted by The Story Siren and inspired by Pop Culture Junkie. A post where we share books acquired via mailbox, library, store, etc.