by Robert C. Roman
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Book Dramatis Personae
Published: 2011
Publisher: Decadent Publishing Company
Genre: Fantasy, Novella, Paranormal, Romance
Rating: 4
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Michaela Miles is Philly’s best detective. Sometimes her methods are medieval, but that's not surprising. Michaela has been fighting evil for nearly four hundred years.
George Matthew Franklin, Matt to his friends, is on the cutting edge of forensic science. He has been paired up with the city's best detective to prove what the new techniques can do. There's only one problem: he won't find much evidence if he can't take his eyes off his new partner.
Michaela and Matt make enemies, because Bad Guys don’t like detectives or investigators. Demons and Fae, Vampires and Thugs, none of them can get away with misbehaving when these two are on the case. When they all join forces to take vengeance, everyone involved will learn that there are always worse things to fear.
Amusing quote:
Si! Ricardo frowned. You are not slow in the head, are you? That will make things much harder, although, the Pixie's frown melted back to a grin more in keeping with the tiny laugh lines next to his eyes, if you are dim, you'll take direction better! I will be your Cyrano, and you will be my Christian!
- page 77, chapter 4
Fae Eye For The Gollum Guy
What Not To Fear
My two-bits:
In-a-word(s): Pits!
Fae, angels, demons and pixie fairy godfathers make for a rollicking time while solving a crime matter (of a supernatural kind) in Philly.
Sssssteamy scenes included.
* review copy courtesy of author