by Christine E. Schulze
Meet Christine:
Golden Healer Zazzle goodies
The Stregoni Symphony - book playlist
Published: 2010
Publisher: Writer's Exchange E-Publishing
Genre: Fairies, Vampires, YA
Rating: 4
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He leaned his head close to my ear and whispered, "Are you afraid?"
Chrystine had had more reason than any other time of her life, even when facing one of the rampages of her drunken father. But she wasn't afraid. And that was odd, because although Aaryn, the person asking her that question, was her best friend, he was also a vampire.
In fact, she was surrounded by hundreds of vampires. But they weren't your typical vampires. They were Stregoni Benefici, the good kind. Nor was Chrystine your typical fairy. She was the Golden Healer, and she alone could save the Stregoni Benefici from the Dark Enchantress.
But can Chrystine figure out the Dark Enchantress' secret and defeat the evil vampires without destroying the good ones as well, without destroying Aaryn?
Find out as you read for yourself the story of the first vampire.
The Amielian Legacy series:
Tears of a Vampire Prince: the First Krystine
The Stregony Sequence Book 1: Golden Healer, Dark Enchantress
book 2 - tba
My two-bits:
In-a-word(s): green
Christian vampire story with fae. Yeah. It works!
This tale takes you into a YA modern world that co-exists with elves, fairies and humans with magical talents. Oh yeah, and vampires, but of a special kind.
Some action, adventure and a showdown.
* stay tuned: Golden Healer blog tour, Sept 4-21 starts up next month, visit it for interviews, guest posts, giveaways and other goodies
* review copy courtesy of author
* part of August Thrills-n-Chills event