by Vianka Van Bokkem
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Hello everyone!
My name is Vianka Van Bokkem and I am the author of ‘Mar the Pirate Vampire’ and several other young adult stories.
‘Mar’ is the lead character. Her two love interests are ‘Axel’ the elegant human accountant and ‘Kyle’ the ‘Irish Stud’ vampire. Roberto the Spanish sailor was Mar’s fathers’ right hand man. ‘Yargo’ is a waterling and a former warlock. This unique group is having a late night conversation while cleaning their weapons by a small fire.
Roberto: Madre de Dios! I found two goats without a drop of blood in their bodies.
Yargo: Well… We all know who did it. Right Mar?
Mar: I told you guys that some of the live stock is my food. Vampires feed on blood, remember. By the way….Yargo, you need to quit making my crew disappear. I need them to take care of the ship. Otherwise I am going to have to turn you into a vampire.
Yargo: Hmm… you can try but, you will fail because I am a waterling not an earthling. I enjoy making your crew disappear because I can’t understand their pirate talk. They get on my nerves.
Kyle: Can the two of you stop fighting. We are supposed to be thinking about how to defeat other pirates.
Axel: The ‘Irish Stud’ is right for a change Mar. You are losing time and money.
Mar: Ssshhhh…..I think someone is listing our conversation.
Kyle: No one is listing Mar. Someone is ‘reading’ our conversation!
Guest post created for August Thrills-n-Chills event by Vianka Van Bokkem, author of Mar the Pirate Vampire
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by Vianka Van Bokkem
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(teen-paranormal romance)
Vianka Van Bokkem
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* image source campfire