i've gots postcards fer me
and me alone!

TO: vivi
FR: Carlos
This is the beach I go to rest in the Summer. It was considered one of the top 20 in the world. I try to think of it to help me get over these cold days. Hope you can get something like that for yourself.

TO: vivi
FR: Susana
If they can handle the cold, so can you! :P
Hope you get some heart warming out of this picture, vivi!

TO: vivi
FR: Gonçalo
On my only Winter's vacation in recent years, I was in Venice. I can guarantee you it is not a good place to be in cold time. The water makes it very very cold, bad weather makes the boats go side-to-side and there are floods! So, as you see, every great place has it's problems! Hang in there, beauty comes right after a little "suffering"!

TO: vivi
FR: Audra
Greetings from Ephesus, Turkey! Not as cold as Rome was, but not warm enough for shorts (not even Cairo was that warm), but finally, sunny! Ephesus was one of the largest cities during the Roman Empire and the ruins excavated are in pristine condition -- makes it easy to envision what a typical Roman city looked like. Being back in Rome, I'd give anything to be back in Turkey! xx - audra
* image source mailbox, postcards received from extra entry giveaway offer