by Lori Brighton
Published: December 2010
Genre: Paranormal, YA
Rating: 4
Description from publisher:
Cameron Winters is a freak. Fortunately, no one but her family knows that Cameron can read minds.
When Lewis Douglas arrives, he tempts her with possibilities of freedom.
Determined to embrace her hidden talents, Cameron heads to a place where she meets other Mind Readers. But when the Mind Readers realize the extent of Cameron’s abilities, they want to use her powers for their own needs.
Amusing passage:
The guard grabbed my left arm and jerked me up the steps. My heart plummeted. Maddox might be some sort of secret agent, but unless he was Harry Freaking Potter, there was no way he could get us out of this situation.
- chapter 20, page 120
My two-bits:
In-a-word(s): But, I can.
I liked how the different facets of mind reading and mind control are touched upon in this story.
Nice balance of character growth, action and romance.
Would like to know more about mr grey eyes...
* review copy courtesy of author