by Scott Nicholson
Just released: January 9, 2011
Genre: Mystery
Rating: 5
Description from Smashwords:
Crime doesn't pay...but neither does journalism. When John Moretz takes a job as a reporter in the Appalachian town of Sycamore Shade, a crime spree erupts and circulation increases.
Then the first murder victim is found, and soon a serial killer is grabbing headlines. Moretz comes under suspicion, but he stays one step ahead of the police, his fellow reporters, and seemingly even the killer.
Amusing quote:
Moretz didn't show any flicker of excitement. Even veteran reports got a rush from a potentially ace story. But Moretz was as cold as three o'clock ink.
- location 203, chapter 2
Zombie sighting:
TV types like to be provocative, hoping they can get a few seconds of emotion for the vacant-eyed zombies in their audience.
- location 543, chapter 7
fyi: kindle version and Smashwords are offering this for 99 cents
My two-bits:
I found this a quick read that put me in a swirl. Loved how I thought it was going one way and then it went another and then back again.
I also got a peek into the behind-the-scenes world of a small newspaper outfit.
* review copy courtesy of author