Longing for Yount
by Daniel A. Rabuzzi
illustrated by Deborah Mills
Published: 2009
Genre: Fantasy, Historical, YA
Paperback: 408 pages
Rating: 5
Description from the amazon:
What would you give to make good on the sins of your past?
For merchant Barnabas McDoon, the answer is: everything.
When emissaries from a world called Yount offer Barnabas a chance to redeem himself, he accepts their price-to voyage to Yount with the key that only he can use to unlock the door to their prison.
But bleak forces seek to stop him: Yount's jailer, a once-human wizard who craves his own salvation, kidnaps Barnabas's nephew. A fallen angel-a monstrous owl with eyes of fire-will unleash Hell if Yount is freed.
And, meanwhile, Barnabas' niece, Sally, and a mysterious pauper named Maggie seek with dream-songs to wake the sleeping goddess who may be the only hope for Yount and Earth alike.

The Choir Boats explores issues of race, gender, sin, and salvation, and includes a mysterious letter, knuckledogs, carkodrillos, smilax root, goat stew, and one very fierce golden cat.
Per Wowio:
Described as “vibrant” and rich with “verve and wit,” it’s a seagoing fantasy yarn that is like “Gulliver’s Travels crossed with The Golden Compass and a dollop of Pride and Prejudice.”
Longing for Yount
The Indigo Pheasant - tentative title due 2012
Amusing quote:
"Well, buttons and beeswax," said Barnabas...
- chapter 1, page 20
Imagery quote:
Magpies cried above the gables, horses whinnied outside, an oyster-man hawked his wares in the street.
- chapter 1, page 23
My two-bits:
In-a-word(s): sapere aude - dare to know
Loved the word play and names like, Barnabus Eusebius Playdermon McDoon and Salmius Nalmius Nax throughout this book.
This is a gem of a book with an adventure filled with a variety of quirky, unsavory and heroic characters as well as mysteries to solve.
I should mention too that you are treated to chapter heading illustrations like the dolphin doorknocker above.
Note from author:
Sharing some good news: Chizine Publications will put out the sequel to my novel The Choir Boats, tentatively titled The Indigo Pheasant, spring/summer 2012.
If you or any of your blog-followers have read The Choir Boats, I would be keen to hear your impressions...to help me shape the story as it continues to unfold.
All best, Daniel
Please feel free to leave comments on this post and include a link to your review too.
* review copy courtesy of author
* image source per Daniel's site: The McDoon residence Dolphin Doorknocker illustrated by Deborah Mills.
* part of my Nautical reading challenge