Schedule of Events
About: Random Magic
Tour organization: Lyrika Publicis
Tour prize coordinator: vvb32
Contact the tour: @RandomMagicTour
Win a sweet prize!
Play to win: one of two books below

A Treasury of Verse and Prose Scented
by Penhaligon's Sheila Pickles
The Victorians turned flower giving into an art, and Sheila Pickles's The Language of Flowers explores the meanings and significance ascribed to certain flowers.
Penhaligon's Violetta perfume scents the book, and violets are one of the more than twenty such English flowers whose my myths and legends are explored and their subtle language revealed.
Favorite poems and prose selections by classic authors illustrate these themes and are accompanied by richly decorative, floral paintings. This treasury makes the perfect gift for occasions when something more lasting than flowers is appropriate.
The Language of Flowers would also be a great companion read for anyone reading Random Magic. There are several places in Random Magic where knowledge about the language of flowers would help in discovering secret messages in a particular scene; secret messages hidden in plain sight...

A Treasury of Verse and Prose Scented
by Penhaligon's Sheila Pickles
The author gathers favorite literary reflections on this timeless theme - from the childhood loves of Dickens to the tempestuous passions of Lord Byron - and includes classic amorous paintings from Renaissance and 19th-century masters. The book is scented with Penhaligon's perfume, Elizabethan Rose.
Apart from being a wild adventure, Random Magic is also meditation on and celebration of the arts, creativity, passion, legends, love, and the love of beauty.
This book (Love) suits the celebration of love in Random Magic: Vive L'Amour wonderfully, and would make a sweet complementary read for anyone enjoying Random Magic - or just a lovely bit of luxury to be enjoyed slowly, alongside a nice cup of tea or coffee, on a chilly day.
Giveaway details:
Winners: 2
Winner: First pick of books
Runner-up: Wins second book
Open to all.
Offer ends: February 14, 2011
Winner announced: February 16, 2011
TO DO (3-parts):
1. Create a blog post with the Random Magic Tour: Vive L’Amour image and title above with a link back to this giveaway post.
2. From Feb 1-14: Collect and copy/paste a minimum of 5 Heart badges that you find from the various blog tour stops listed on the schedule with a notation of where it was found (first freebie heart below).
AND include the book you would like to win.

View the "live" sample post here.
fyi: On this post I placed the heart badge on the bottom of the post. The location and colors of heart badges on blog tour stops vary.
Please note: your post doesn't have to be centered or worded exactly the same and feel free to create your own layout.
3. In comments send me the link to your post. You can send me the link to your post once the first heart is found.
Candy heart + link where it was found: 2 points
Left comment on post: 1 point
Twitter link: 1 point
(If you don't have a Twitter account, you can just leave a second comment on different post, instead.)
Max points per heart/link/comment/Twitter entry: 4
If you collect five hearts: You are in finals!
If you collect more than five hearts: You go to bonus round.
To win: Collect most points by Feb. 14
Entries received:
1. Kulsuma of sunshine and stardust
2. PinkStuff of Reading After Dark
3. Zombie Girrrl of Crackin' Spines & Takin' Names
4. Kiwi of Assortments
Scoreboard: checkout the sidebar for updates on the standings
Contest has ended - winners are here