(a post where I create fashionable wear with book cover art)
So Long a Letter
by Mariama Ba
Published: 2008
Genre: Africa, Epistolary
Description from the amazon:
An intense and poised novel in the form of a letter written by Ramatoulaye, who has recently been widowed.
I was not able to retrieve this book. Instead I read an excerpt here which is quite a tease.
Here's a bit from the excerpt:

I have received your letter. By way of reply, I am beginning this diary, my prop in my distress. Our long association has taught me that confiding in others allays pain.
Your presence in my life is by no means fortuitous. Our grandmothers in their compounds were separated by a fence and would exchange messages daily. Our mothers used to argue over who would look after our uncles and aunts. As for us, we wore out wrappers and sandals on the same stony road to the koranic school; we buried our milk teeth in the same holes and begged our fairy godmothers to restore them to us, more splendid than before.
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AND, here is a post of an Introduction to the Text by Amy at A Year of Feminist Classics.
* source for silhouette spotted at The Fashion Planner
* on my want list ;-D
* part of A Year of Feminist Classics reading challenge