ended November 13, 2011
Thanks to all contestants!
for October Trix-n-Treatz event:

Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe
Winner: Mary Ellen of The Reader's Shop

Dangerous Designs by Dale Meyer
Winner: (ebook) Patricia's Particularity
Winner: (print) Jessica of jbronder book reviews

Diamonds And Toads by K.E. Saxon
Winner: Julie of jwitt33

The Dishonored Dead by Robert Swartwood
Winner: Holly S of Bitchin' and Stitchin'
Winner: Rinni of Top Shelf Reviews
Winner: Teressa Oliver

The Eternal Child by David Wasserman
Winner: Krysykat of Because I Said So

Farsighted by Emlyn Chand
Winner: kah cherub of Come to the Dark Side...We have Cookies!

The Humming Room by Ellen Potter
Winner: Lena of psyxx

Laddertop by Orson Scott Card and Emily Janice Card
Winner: Suz of klaxon

Salem Witch Trial by Kathryn Wesley
Winner: Brandy of Brandyz Books

The Thackery T. Lambshead Cabinet of Curiosities edited by Ann Vandermeer and Jeff Vandermeer
Winner: MAD of Mary Ann DeBorde Writes (and Reads!)

Tower of Parlen Min by Matt Xell
Winner: Janiera of From This is from my Heart

The Wedding Gift by Kathleen McKenna
Winner: (print) Pabkins of Mission to Read
Winner: (ebook) AimeeKay of Reviews From My First Reads Shelf
Winner: (ebook) Jel of Book Jelly
Winner: (ebook) Lieder Madchen of Songs and Stories

The Witch's Handbook by Rachel Dickinson, Timothy Crawford, Paul Kepple
Winner: Yiota of Splash Of Our Worlds

Winner: Pabkins of Mission to Read
October Trix-n-Treatz book pick: Random Magic by Sasha Soren
Historical ebook pick:

An Anthracite Region Railway
by James N.J. Henwood and John G. Muncie
* to see the original giveaway offer, click on the prize title links
* I will email winners for mailing addresses this week.
Winners, feel free to contact me with your info if you don't get my email
or if you are just too darn excited and want to let me know -- like NOW ;-D
* contest policy
* keep in touch with my giveaways and learn about other book giveaways by joining the GoodReads Book Giveaways group
* if not this time, maybe next time
--> check out the current giveaways and upcoming events on my sidebar