by Aris Whittier
~-~-~-~-~ guest ~-~-~-~-~
Logan Richards quickly aimed the remote at the tv and muted it. Leaning forward in the soft leather chair, he sat quietly as he glanced across the room and watched Amber. She was in the kitchen, cooking but what caught his attention and caused him to sit motionless was the soft piano music that drifted from the kitchen radio and the way she absentmindedly swayed to the beautiful melody. The image reached deep within him and he drifted back to a time when they had enjoyed a similar tune played by a young, shy, woman named Georgiana Darcy. Logan wondered if Amber would ever remember that lifetime and all they had shared…
“I’m quite excited about tonight,” Amber said and she stepped out of the carriage, adjusted the silk gown, and linked her arm through Logan’s. “I’m equally excited to hear Georgiana play.” She said with enthusiasm as they began to walk toward the house. “She’s quiet good you know.”
Logan smiled down at his wife completely content with life and the fact that he had the only thing that mattered by his side. “Quiet,” he said in an amused tone.
“Are you teasing me?” Her brows furrowed as she thought back and counted how many quites she had just said.
“Why of course not,” he said with a slight grin. “I believe the entire ride hear I was firmly instructed not to tease tonight.”
“This is the Pemberely Ball,” Amber said seriously as she paused and turned to her husband. Her eyes narrowed as she watched him closely.
Logan glanced at the magnificent estate and its massive front door. “Yes, I see that.” His grin widened. “I’ve known Darcy most of my life—he’s my favorite fencing partner, I’ve had the pleasure of watching Georgiana grow and if I’m not mistaking I was here last week on business.”
“You know what I mean. This is a very big night for Georgiana and there are a lot of important people here.”
“Whom we may never see if we don’t go in.” Logan’s gaze shifted from the front door heavenward. “However, it is a nice evening. Perhaps we could just walk through the gardens and enjoy the stars. That way we can be alone. It would be quite nice.”
She struggled to hide her smile. “You must stop and behave yourself. No more teasing.” She pointed a figner at him. “You promised me.”
Logan stared at her for a long moment, desire turning his eyes dark as he leaned into her. Though they had only been married for a year, he knew he would never grow tired of looking at her nor would he ever stop wanting her. “You look breathtaking.”
Amber blushed and looked around to make sure none of the footmen or any of the Darcy’s guests overheard Logan’s compliment. “Logan you mustn’t look at me like that,” she said breathlessly. “Not here.”
“Why are you blushing,” Logan asked as he reached up and fingered a soft curl. “I told you that before we left.”
“No, you told me my gown matched my eyes perfectly,” she said faintly.
Logan nodded, “Yes, it does.” His finger moved across her lips and down her chin. “While I know we are here for Georgiana I’d love nothing more that to take you back home and—”
“You’re scandalous,” she said with a giggle.
Logan leaned his forehead again hers and whispered, “I’ve heard that before.” He kissed her deeply and as he pulled away he said, “I love you beyond words you know that.” Before his wife could speak, he quickly took her by the arm and they made their way to the ballroom.
“You look beautiful tonight,” Amber said as they approached Georgiana. “You must be excited.”
“Thank you and yes, I am—very excited and a little nervous too.”
“You’ll be fine I have no doubt,” Amber reassured her.
Georgiana smiled shyly when Logan handed her an item wrapped in silk. “This is for your debut,” he said.
“Why thank you Mr. Richards,” she said softly as she accepted the gift and slowly unwrapped it. “It’s lovely,” she said excitedly when she saw a cobalt blue and gold keepsake box that was shaped as a piano.
Logan nodded and glanced around the ballroom. “Judging by some of the looks you’re getting I’m most certain that you’ll have a trinket to put in there soon enough.”
Georgiana’s cheeks flushed at the compliment. “Thank you both. I will always treasure it.” She hugged each of them. “Please come. My brother will be excited to see you.”
Guest post created for Pemberley Ball event by Aris Whittier, author of Across Eternity
© 2011. All rights reserved.
Aris Whittier is a romance writer. She writes suspense, contemporary, and commercial woman's fiction. Her debut novel, Fatal Embrace is a romantic suspense that was featured in Cosmopolitan Magazine as a Red-Hot Read. Foolish Notions is a contemporary romance that has just a touch a mystery too. Across Eternity is a beautiful love story that transcends time.
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by Aris Whittier
~-~-~-~-~ guest ~-~-~-~-~
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by Aris Whittier
Published: 3/2011 ( electronic)
Born a genius; education, wealth, and prestige came easy to Logan Richards. Actually, there wasn’t much that Logan couldn’t learn or acquire. However, he knew there was more to life than money and power. Logan was determined to find the woman who he'd dreamed of his entire life and know what it was like to love her before he died.
Amber Lewis, a waitress for a five-star restaurant in, Dana Point, California, was overworked, stressed, and wary of life since her sister, Heather, had passed away. Then, one evening while working she fell hopelessly in love with Logan Richards, a chivalrous man who felt deeply familiar.
For Amber, it was the beginning of a voyage of self-discovery and renewal. For Logan, it was the completion of life. For each of them it was the deepest sort of love.
Recommended Age: Adult & 15+: Teen Who Want To Move On From YA Romance
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* image source Piano Classics from the World of Jane Austen by Karlyn Bond