Oh dear, today is Captain Wentworth's outing and we have not a thing to wear!
Hurry, fetch the fashion journal and let us see what our Lady Fiona advises...
by Midnight Cowgirl
~-~-~-~-~ guest ~-~-~-~-~
Dear Lady Fiona Percy of Ireland,
I am invited to Captain Wentworth's boating party and find myself quite at a loss concerning what to wear. All the ladies of my acquaintance are in an uproar about the dashing captain, and I trust no one for advice on this most important matter but you. Please advise.
Most sincerely,
A Lady Hoping to Avoid a Fashion Quagmire
Dear Lady Hoping,
Thank you for your faith in me concerning this most pressing fashion dilemma. I, too, will be making up one of the party and look forward to seeing you outshine all the other young ladies. Should you wish to be true to the fashion of 1816, I recommend perusing The Jane Austen Centre's article on dressing for the seaside.

A simple dress worn

with a complimentary bonnet

and pelisse

will set your blooming complexion off to perfection. If something more modern is what you are after, look no further than the beloved maxi dress.

A wide-brimmed hat

and soft wrap

will protect you from the sun's powerful rays in a delightfully stylish way.
Until we meet at the party, I bid you adieu.
Most affectionately,
Lady Percy
Guest post created for captain wentworth's boating party event by Midnight Cowgirl of The Fashion Planner
© 2011. All rights reserved.
by Midnight Cowgirl
~-~-~-~-~ guest ~-~-~-~-~

These rollable shoes are a perfect escape for feet who have partied too long and still have a long way home.
* visit Midnight Cowgirls previous post on her things Jane Austen
* join in and comment below with a link to a picture of a regency period clothing or accessory that you are wearing to captain wentworth's boating party