by Juliet Archer
Release date: September 15, 2011
Description from the amazon:
When do you let your heart rule your head?
As far as men are concerned, Anna Elliot is stuck in the past. No one can compare to Rick Wentworth, the man she was persuaded to give up eight years ago.
Meanwhile, Rick's moved on - and up. He's got a successful career and a carefully controlled love life where his heart doesn't get a look in.
The words 'forgive and forget' aren't in Rick's vocabulary.
The word 'regret' is definitely in Anna's.
When they meet again, can she persuade him that their lost love is worth a second chance?

Excerpt: from prologue
She took a deep breath. ‘So, who’ve you been dreaming about?’
He frowned, picked up the last pair of new shirts, still in their cellophane wrapping, and forced them into the suitcase. ‘What do you mean?’
She bit her lip. Perhaps she shouldn’t have mentioned it; not when he was about to leave for the airport. And yet …
Another deep breath. ‘You’ve been calling out to someone in your sleep, a woman. I didn’t think that much about it at first, but now it’s been three nights in a row.’
He froze in the act of closing the suitcase. Then he looked across at her, his face expressionless. ‘What did I say?’
‘You said “Annie”, over and over again. And you sounded so different, so gentle, as if – as if –’ It hurt to breathe and she could feel tears scratching at the back of her eyes, but she had to know. ‘Who’s Annie?’
Silence … and the strangest feeling that he’d already left; that he was far away, with someone else.
‘Rick, who is she?’
He tore his gaze from hers, snapped the case shut and swung it off the bed onto the floor. ‘I don’t know anyone called Annie,’ he said, and his voice wasn’t gentle at all.
She stepped forward and grabbed his arm. ‘Is she in England? Is that why you’re going back there all of a sudden?’
READ the rest and chapter one.
Head over to the Book Rat to read an interview with Dr. Rick Wentworth and find out what kind of chocolate he claims to be like ;-D