The Friday 56 is a weekly meme hosted at Freda's Voice.
If you want to play along, here are the rules:
Grab a book, any book.
Turn to page 56.
Find any sentence that grabs you.
Post it.
Add your (url) post in the Linky at Freda's Voice.

The Steampunk Chronicles
by Kady Cross
kindle version is currently available for free
PAGE 56: this is an ebook, so sentence is from location 56
When she was younger they were so infrequent she barely gave them a thought, but they started getting worse shortly after she got her first monthly, and now happened regularly enough--and without warning--that oftentimes she wasn't even aware anything had happened until it was far too late.
* this story is a prequel to The Girl in the Steel Corset (Steampunk Chronicles)
* If it's your first time here, WELCOME!
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* also part of my SteamPink event