Eva closed DOCUMENT #090 on her Lovelace device.
The ladies considered the implications of the letter as they sipped their tea.
Shall we dispatch someone to investigate this matter asked Amanda Leigh. I think Marjorie would be the right person for the job.
Freda nodded slightly.
Posh! I think this Miss Madelinemaya Zamaba is an impostor. A red herring of the MAPS members' creation exclaimed Mary Ann.
Freda nodded in agreement to this as well.
In any case, I shall run this document through my program to determine its veracity stated Eva.
The ladies prepared to depart. Good-byes went all around with excited chatter of the upcoming steam train ride to the World's Fair, June 4-12, 2010 (it's a virtual event).
or just hop on the train as it passes by that week.
Note: If you redeem your ticket during SteamPink Week,
you will be eligible to win a steampunk book.
As the tea service was being cleared away, Eva retrieved her Lovelace device to read the three messages on the shiny from Stella, Titania and Marjorie.
Stella: The book table for vvb's World's Fair exhibit will include these steampunk books. vvb is working on securing a few more. She will send us an update later. Those who can help with the setup of the exhibit should arrive a day early. The Devonian Express tickets issued is in sync with this timing. -end-
Titania: After the World's Fair, I shall be spending holiday at Mansfield Park from June 24-27. Edmund's dinner party on the 25th will include a rehearsal performance of Lovers' Vows. Edmund would like the pleasure of your company. His brother, Tom, is eager to show off his acting skills to you in particular. Please RSVP directly. -end-
Marjorie: Special author appearances will appear on the Devonian Express train ride. I will make sure security is in check, but will need another Society member to help. Please advise. -end-
And one more message was on the shiny...
Marlene: Blogosphere giveaway for steampunk jewelry at Catherinette Rings. -end-

Jane and Jade greeted Carien, Sullivan McPig's owner, and Celia on the path towards the McGregor castle.
Good day, ladies. On your way to see the Prof? asked Jane.
Indeed. And you? Carien responded.
Yes, we're just back from our latest tour and in time for the World's Fair. The Prof has details about that event, Jade answered.
How grand! I wish I could go to the Fair, exclaimed Celia.
I am confident the Prof can arrange something for you, Celia, Jane mentioned.
Grand! just grand! exclaimed Celia again.
Sullivan McPig picked himself up from his collision into Miss Buddyt and Miss Elizabeth and continued on his way. He was determined to find his owner, Carien to tell her about Undead in the Head Lyle and Rot and Ruin. He neglected to see that he had jostled a book from Miss Buddyt's basket that would have been of interest to him.

by Carrie Ryan
Released: March 2010
The book now lay on the ground in Sullivan's wake...
Dreaming steampunk:

by Calista Taylor
Release date: in the works - coming soon
* image source castle
* part of Jane and Jade Escapades, my steampunk story in which commenters may be incorporated into the story and have guest appearances the following week.
* my weekly post on things steampunk (Victorian sci-fi/fantasy)
* totally inspired by steampunk posts written by Celia of adventures of cecelia bedelia