created by Michael Morarity
Habber the hoodle!
Habber the hoodle!
Standing at the helm, Jane directed Jade while waving her gloved hand about excitedly.
Yes, the hoodles have been habbered, sighed Jade with a bit of impatience, just a bit. Jade expertly flipped switches and turned knobs as she looked out the window.
Jane lifted her goggles off her eyes for closer inspection of the control panel.
Indeed. So they have. Well then, let's get this bubble aground. And make sure to...
Jade let Jane blather on as she followed the usual proper landing procedures for an airship such as theirs.
As the Tiny Bubble floated downward in a slow fashion, Jane scanned the busy street scenes below. Ladies were bustling down the streets with parasols and packages from their shopping excursions.
I do hope we can find a nice salon for a good spot of tea. We haven't had a decent pot since India.
*Jane and Jade are Victorian English ladies who have been on tour for the last month.
*I may include some of Jane and Jade's steam adventures in my Steampunk Weekly now and then as I receive transmissions from them.
*from Jane and Jade Escapades (vvb's itty-bitty steampunk fiction)
The results for my giveaway of Soulless by Gail Carriger are in.
Of those who answered the question: What is your favorite tea?
Tea preferences:
23% did not care for tea
17% Herb
17% Black
14% Fruit
11% Chai
9% Earl Grey
9% Coffee
I love both coffee and tea. For tea, I lean towards Blacks or Greys.
Book to watch out for:

snakes, dinosaurs, elephants, wolves, bees, fish, birds, goats, and even a monkey or two
Stories set in London, China, Alabama, Castle Frankenstein, and the moon.
Steampunk online fiction (free):

- installments every Wednesday
“Miss Davenforth, I have seen my husband create marvels beyond your comprehension. I have no doubt that these spectacles would transport me if I were to place them on my face. The only question is WHERE they would take me.”
*** Steampunk Giveaways ***

The Great Steamed ARC contest from author Katie MacAlister - my review
- 5 ARCS of Steamed
- a steampunk romance
-offer ends December 15, 2009
Steampunk Jewelry and Sculpture Giveaway
from Steampunk Jewelry Rings - take a peek at the site for rings, tie tacks, etc.
*my weekly post on things steampunk (Victorian sci-fi/fantasy)
*totally inspired by steampunk posts written by Celia of adventures of cecelia bedelia