Thanks to Misty of the Book Rat
Thanks to J.T. of Bibliofreak
The Who Loves You Baby! Award is given to those bloggers whom you love and who have awarded you in the past! Pass it on!
Charlotte of The Book on the Hill
In The Hammock
Jennifer of Between the Lines
Polish Outlander
Zombie Girrrl of Crackin Spines and Takin Brains
vvb's December awards:
This award kicks off two weeks worth of Blog Award posts to my Blomies (book blogger homies).
I've gathered up my awards since September and will be passing them on.
Hey, it's the giving season and I gives.
Awardees: Grab the award badges and make your blog pretty this week ;-D
*please note: i've tried to be diligent in checking to see whether or not favorite bloggers already received the awards to avoid redundancy. So, don't be discouraged if I haven't sent anything to you this time around. Also, loves ya!