Thanks to Ladybug of Escape In A Book
Thanks to Celia of adventures with cecelia bedelia
This award is to honor certain bloggers that are kindhearted individuals. They regularly take part in my blog and always leave the sweetest comments. If it wasn't for them, my site would just be an ordinary book review blog. Their blogs are also amazing and are tastefully done on a daily basis. I thank them and look forward to our growing friendship through the blog world.
Rule: Nominate 10 bloggers you feel deserve the Humane Award.
Aarti of Booklust
Brizmus of Brizmus Book Blogs
Charlotte of The Book on the Hill
Elnice of Ellz Reads
Kals of At Pemberley
Rebecca of Everything To Do With Books
Sophie of So Many Books, So Little Time
Titania86 of Fishmuffins of Doom
*part of my December Awards