The 12 Blogs of Christmas ends tomorrow!
Visit each blog below and enter to win their contest.
Twelve - vampire diaries (to sink your teeth into) by The Page Flipper
Eleven prizes for 11 winners by The Shady Glade
Eleven prizes for 11 winners by The Shady Glade
Ten - book and bookish goodies by vvb32 reads
Nine - Borders gift card by Shooting Stars Mag
Eight - books and swag by Princess Bookie
Seven - an invisible bookshelf (ooo) and books (of course) by Luxury Reading
Six - choose from 50 books by Book Rat
Five chances to win 5 prizes by Ellz Readz
Four fun from the Blood Coven series by Bites
Three winners (with 4 books each) by Library Lizard Lounge
Two - fantasy and paranormal by Literary Escapism
One amazing contest (with 9 winners) by The Neverending Shelf
Good Luck!