Caroline Bingley (P&P)
Eligible matches:
General Tilney (NA)
William Elliot (Pers.)
Robert Martin (Em.)
My ideal couple:
Caroline & William (Persuasion 2007)
This dastardly duo realize that there is more to life than fortune hunting.
Both are scoping out the gaming tables at an after-dinner party in Bath. They spot each other from across the room and sparks fly. It's chemistry at work, or shall we say play. Caroline flirts and William flirts back. They flirt so much they are beside themselves. They throw caution to the wind and end up in each others arms forevermore.
A year later they are married and jet-setting in Italy.
This is part of the:
This is part of the:
Jane Austen Mix-and-Matching Mini-Challenge
hosted by Nicole at Books and Bards
Nicole listed four bachelors/bachelorettes who could use a little help managing their own affairs. For each of them, she listed three eligible matches.
The task at hand is to decide who each of them should marry, and to explain why. If you’d like to go a step further, you can detail how the two might manage to hook up, and/or you can predict their future together.
Post inspired by:Everything Austen Challenge hosted by Stephanie's Written Word