a bit o'clockpunk...
by Keira Lea
~-~-~-~-~ guest ~-~-~-~-~
What would you do if you could rewind time? Would you take advantage of a second chance? I thought about this question a lot while writing Replay. A few things came to mind.
First, I would rewind to my freshman year of college. When I was in high school, everyone expected you to go to college, but no one told you what to do when you got there. I ended up on the five-year bachelor's degree plan because I was clueless the first year. Some would argue I was just drunk … on the excitement of being on my own. While we're talking about college, I would go back to that moment I ran my car into my dad's truck as I left to move into the dorm.
I would also rewind to my high school prom, when I tripped on a step and sprained not one but two ankles. I'd go back to the day I decided to walk across an icy sidewalk at school. I'm sure you know how that ended. The next decision I would undo is turning on an unprotected left two months after earning my driver's license. That time, my father's car and my pride sustained a bit more damage.
Let's go back further to the weekend I rode a jetski at the lake for three hours with no sunscreen on my porcelain skin. Or the afternoon at Six Flags I went straight from a lunch of pizza and Dr Pepper to a ride that goes upsidedown. Twice. Oh, and speaking of that visit to Six Flags during a Texas summer? I wore a black T-shirt, a long black skirt, and boots. Sunscreen was a moot point, but heatstroke was not.
What if you could rewind time? Tell me what you would change.
Keira Lea released her debut novel in April 2011. She is a devoted fan of the TV show FRINGE, a card-carrying member of the Apple cult, and a mother to two human children and three feline ones. She is working on a sequel to Replay.
Guest post, What if You Could Rewind Time? was created by Keira Lea author of Replay
© 2011. All rights reserved.
by Keira Lea
~-~-~-~-~ guest ~-~-~-~-~
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